Berliner Fernsehturm

The Berlin TV Tower is Germany’s highest building.

  • Opened


  • Height

    368.03 m (1,207.45 ft)

Visit Site

A legendary experience, reimagined for the modern age

No other landmark offer such superb views over the capital. The elevator ride to the 203m high observation deck takes a mere 40 seconds.


The city of art, artists and museums

Once there, you can take in the 360° panorama over a drink at Berlin’s highest bar. Sphere, its revolving restaurant, offers Berlin’s highest sightseeing tour as well as a culinary journey through the past 50 years of the tower’s and the city’s history


An elevated, interactive destination

Observation Deck

The viewing platform of the Berlin TV Tower is 203 m above Berlin. After a 40-second elevator ride, you arrive directly at the observation deck at a height of 203m.

Berlin's Odyssey

Embark on a unique VR journey and fly over the German capital. Experience how the city has evolved from the Middle Ages through the German Empire to the present day.

Sphere Restaurant

Experience a culinary journey through 50 years of Berlin in the Sphere revolving restaurant. An all-new concept from renowned chef Tim Raue is coming soon!

Sphere Bar

The newly renovated Sphere Bar on the observation deck level serving international & local favorites in front of the best views of the city.

Berlin Gallery

Berlin Gallery


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Habt ihr dieses Spektakel am Himmel über #Berlin auch beobachten können?
Was anfänglich viele für verglühende Sterne oder Meteoriten hielten, entpuppte sich (leider) als verglühende Raketenteile der #spacex ☄️ Phänomenal schön und gruselig zugleich sah es dennoch aus 😮🤯🤩

Danke fürs Video an @mrs_jennipenni 🎥

Did you also see this spectacle in the sky above #berlintheplacetobe ?
What many initially thought were burning stars or meteorites turned out to be (unfortunately) burning rocket parts of the Space X Rocket ☄️ Phenomenally beautiful and creepy at the same time 😮🤯🤩

Thanks for the video to @mrs_jennipenni 🎥
Ein neuer klirrendkalter aber sonniger und klarer Tag in #Berlin und unserem Turmiversum 😄😍🗼🪩

Another freezing cold but sunny and clear day in #Berlin and the tower universe 😄😍🗼🪩

#berlin #tvtowerberlin #berlinerfernsehturm
Neue Woche - neue Perspektiven 👀🌤️

New week - new perspectives 👀🌤️

#berlintheplacetobe #berlin #berlinerfernsehturm
Habt einen schönen und entspannten Sonntagabend 🤍

Have a nice and relaxing #Sunday evening 🤍

#berlin #berlinerfernsehturm #berlintvtower
Schnee-Details von oben ❄️😍❄️ wir sehen euch 😜

Snow details from above ❄️😍❄️ see you 😜

#bestview #berlinwinter #berlinerfernsehturm #berlintvtower
Vday im #berlinerfernsehturm - auch für Kurzentschlossene ☺️❣️ Wenn ihr da seid, hinterlasst uns eine Herzbotschaft und gönnt euch ein Gläschen 🍾 zur Feier des Tages 💋

#Vday at the #berlintvtower - also for last-minute visitors ☺️❣️ If you’re there, leave us a heartfelt message and treat yourself to a glass 🍾 to celebrate the day 💋

#berlin #valentinstag #valentinesday
Schönen Abend für euch 😘❄️

Have a nice evening 😘❄️

#berlin #snow #berlinerfernsehturm #berlintvtower

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